The Kottayam unit of the vigilance and anti-corruption department has asked the MGU registrar to submit 13 files in connection with the allegation of corruption. DySP P Krishna Kumar is heading the investigation.
The vigilance probe is based on a complaint filed on October 17, 2011 by George Varghese, former joint registrar and current syndicate member.
Corruption at Mahatma Gandhi University
Filling up the Professor Post in Environmental Science by one of the Syndicae members from a pro left organization disregarding elgible applicants form the subject.
Attempt to appoint in Associate Professors Post in School of Environmental Science, the sister of one earlier pro left organization leader and wife of another pro left organization activist who was also a Professor, by dubious methods.
Termination of the incumbent working as University Librarian a person with numerous records of innovation and achievements who brought in national and international recognition to the university at the age of 55 by using vague classes related to because he was standing against corruption
Keeping the post un notified to enable the mafia to place their puppets in charge to control things related to library science and library /ICT purchases from which is their major source of income
Not giving charge of Library to the senior most incumbent available because she was not cooperative to corrupt groups. Subsequent harrasment of the incumbent and sppressing action on her complaints
Appointment of two Deputy Librarians in UGC Associate Professors' Grade by RENAMING lower level posts of two incumbents belonging to pro-left service organizations, who entered university service in non UGC clerical level posts fooling UGC Regulation, University Act and Statutes, Government Orders and even the government representatives in the Syndicate
Hasty granting of purchase powers to the above two incumbents
Irregularities Admission/Granting of PhD especially in Library Science. An internationally known expert in library science who envisioned an advanced center for library research – who was also the only permanent qualified expert to supervise research on the subject available to the university was ousted, admssion was restricted in the first batch to a member of the group which is part of irregularites and conducting futere admssion under his control
Irregularities in Book/ICT Stack Purchases
All this done with full support of some pro left Syndicate members- would never have come out if the new Syndicate members have not come in. We don’t believe that Prof Rajan Gurukkal is corrupt. He was forced to heed to the mafia leaders inside the university using left connections for their vested interests. Prof Gurukkal is one of the best scholars in his field of specialization. But that is not a license to permit corruption, nepotism and irregularities to the extent to which it has happened in the university.
In a democratic system things should be participative, transparent and in accordance with existing acts and rules. When one violates rules/transparency any citizen can point out the same and ask for adherence to rules or correction. Let us respect academic ethics and democracy. When records available reveal that there is clear violation of rules and grave irregularities what the Syndicate members are presently doing is not malevolent campaign. Let the government systems examine and make things transparent and clean his image
We know Prof. Gurukkal is bold enough to face an enquiry because he is known to be principled and not corrupt. The mafia having good connections with politics may have cheated him. Let us find out what is the truth.