President – G Prakash -General Secretary – T. Johnson,-Vice Presidents – D.Reghunathan Nair & Satheesh Kumar G,-Joint Secretaries – Mahesh N , Hilal K & Mable N S,-Treasurer – Sony George.-EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Ashik M M Kamal,
A Muraleedharan Pillai,
K S SurendraNathan Nair,
M N Bimal,
K S Manoj Kumar,
Shaji K,
Kamaraj K,
Pinto N T,
Jose George,
Jose Mathew,
Pradeep K B,
Jobin Joseph,
Sony J Shams,
Mathew P John,
Cyriac K M,
Sreedharan T S,
Geetha Kumari P M,
Gayathri V R,
Ajitha Janardhanan Chairman, Recreation Club : Shaji Khan M -Editor, Varsity Review-: Navin N
Mahatma Gandhi University Employees Union (MGUEU)is a unique democratic organization wedded to the upholding of the interests and welfare of the University employees and the University,and it was formed on 23rd February 1986 with just 26 members.
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