เดീเดตเดจเด്เดാเดฐ്เด്เด് เดจേเดฐെ เดാเดฐ്เด്เดിเด്เดു เดคുเดช്เดชിเดฏ เด เดตാเด്เดുเดเดณ് เดേเดณ്เด്เดാเดจ് เดคുเดเดฐ്เดจ്เดจ് เดตാเดฏിเด്เดുเด เดเดจ്เดจ เดฒിเด്เดിเดฒ് เด്เดฒിเด്เด് เดെเดฏ്เดฏുเด
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CBSE X Result-2012 |
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Entrance Result 2012 |
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www.results.itschool.gov.in |
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SSLC Result |
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The gorgeous procession of Employees Union held as part of the 22nd Annual General Body Meeting in the University Campus on 1st March 20112
On 6th March 2012, M G Universty Empoyees Union raised its firm voice against the vandalism of Left Union at Calicut University.
The Meeting of Mahatma Gandhi University Employees Union. The Official Web Portal of the Employees Union has been launched by Smt. Lathika Subhash, K.P.C.C Secretary.
The Grand procession of Mahatma Gandhi University Employees Union held as part of the 22nd Annual General Body Meeting in the University Campus on 1st March 2012
Employees Union has held a hunger strike and stage a dharna in front of the Administrative office of the university on March 20 demanding the arrears of pay revision
Employees Union has conducted a signature campaign in University demanding hike of the retirement age of employees and teachers in the state of kerala and also expulsion of the unification of retirement age